1·The model considers having a number of slots for grouping UMF files.
2·While the number of applicants is expected to rise, most schools say their number of slots will stay the same.
3·For instance, training more oncologists is expected to provide only a modest bump because of a limited number of slots in training programs.
4·In each case the auctioneer will raise the price step by step until the number of bidders remaining in the hunt matches the number of slots on sale.
5·The slot manager runs as a daemon to control the number of token slots provided to applications, and it interacts with applications using a Shared memory region.
6·Slots-provides the number of free pages on the paging Spaces.
7·The breeding selection algorithm picks one parent by looking at the weights - in effect, every individual gets a chance to be a parent, but the number of parent slots is finite.
8·A merged airline would give BA more than 50% of the slots at the airport, though it would probably need to sell off a number of these to satisfy regulators.
9·Players will be able to create several characters per account. Neither the number of character slots nor the ability to purchase additional slots has been announced.
10·Through the comparison of the different rotor slots number, the influence of the radial force wave of different rotor slots number is studied.