number of passes



1·The main end point was the number of passes performed to obtain adequate samples.


2·Increase the Maximum number of passes to create smaller partitions should the build be unable to hit the desired partition size.

要增加Maximum number of passes值以创建更小的分区,这样构建才不会超过预期的分区大小限制。

3·In one well-known example, participants watch a video of people passing a basketball between each other, and they are asked to count the number of passes.


4·Generally, the number of passes that must be made to render the combined object is the sum of the number of passes for each of the separate objects, and so nothing is gained by combining.


5·Subjects are told to watch a video of two teams - one wearing white shirts, the other black - passing basketballs, and to count the number of times the white team passes the ball.


6·RowsInSection should return the number of items in whatever section it passes in via the section parameter.


7·If you have friends or family in Chicago, they are eligible for a limited number of free museum passes from the Chicago Public Library.


8·As of Monday morning, the next available date for passes is Oct. 18. The memorial restricts the number of visitors to about 1, 500 at a time.


9·The line immediately above it says, "Hey, if anyone passes in a Max parameter in the URL, use it to limit the number of Trips returned."


10·The front controller calls the execute method and passes it a number of useful objects, including the HTTP request and response objects.
