1·If one of the sounds is simply omitted during the second clip, then most people notice the difference.
2·Baby boys do not seem to notice the difference in the size of the ball, but girls immediately become excited and begin to make noises that sound like language.
3·Notice the difference in their color schemes.
4·The major difference you'll notice among the tools is how aspect declarations are written and applied to the system.
5·Notice the difference. The recipe, the sequence of instructions, is actually getting read in, and it's treated just like data.
6·As for the downloadable applications themselves, they will still appear to be your typical mobile app - end users won't even notice a difference.
7·Another difference you'll notice are several radio buttons and a checkbox for selecting the superclass.
8·But the driver will not notice the difference.
9·The hope is that they will barely notice the difference in take-home pay but that a higher contribution rate (perhaps 10-15% in total) will in due course allow them to earn a decent pension.
人们希望工人们几乎不能发现到手收入的差别,而是发现这个更高贡献率(总共大约有10 - 15%)能及时的让他们得到一份体面的退休金。
10·Notice the difference: there's a plus sign here;there's a minus sign here.