1·The theoretical analysis on bubble mass transfer process was made by the non reversible thermodynamics. Non steady state, steady state and equilibrium state and changing regulation were discussed.
2·I recommend moving fast on the reversible choices and more slowly on non-reversible, high-risk items.
3·Among his solutions: Control expectations, make decisions non-reversible, avoid social comparisons and 'learn to love constraints.'
4·I recommend moving fast on the reversible ones, and more slowly on the non-reversible, high-risk items.
5·A simple window.confirm query asks us to confirm if we want to carry out this non-reversible task.
一个简单的window . confirm查询要求我们确认是否希望执行这个不可恢复的任务。
6·Non-toxic reversible metallo -protease inhibitor.
7·He said patients suspected of being in a non-reversible coma should be "tested 10 times" and that comas, like sleep, have different stages and need to be monitored.
8·In this way, you can write a non-reversible class as you normally do, and then selectively choose where to make reversible calls to it.
9·This would have made the syntax to set a property reversible more similar to the normal non-reversible syntax.
10·Remember though that, then you will irrevocably add some overhead to the class that will negatively affect performance when it is to be used in a non-reversible context.