1·Undershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load.
2·If your money is in cash, you'll have to wait 19 years for the nominal value of your account to double, assuming the cash earns the historical 3.7 percent annual return.
3·Design Studio recognizes automatically that you want to predict a nominal value column and automatically offers you those Settings (in the same TAB) available for this purpose.
Design Studio自动识别出您要预测一个标称值列,并自动提供可用于这一目的设置(在同一个选项卡中)。
4·Before and after the samples were oxidized, utilizing this system to measure them in vacuum chamber the measuring results, we obtain, is consistent with the nominal value.
5·For most of the past decade, the nominal value of the rupee has been allowed to decline gently against the dollar, by about 5% a year, thus staying fairly steady in real terms.
6·So it would have gained $25 million in nominal value while the owners were putting up only $8 million in additional capital – over $3 of nominal value gained for each $1 invested.
7·With the influence of manufacture technology and practical working environment, there are random errors between the nominal value and the component or input parameters in electronic circuits.
8·Due to the influence of manufacture technology and practical working environment, there are random errors between the nominal value and the component or input parameters in electronic circuits.
9·Rapid growth in nominal GDP means that asset prices do not need to fall so far to regain fair value, bad loans are easier to work off and excess capacity can be more quickly absorbed by rising demand.
10·Back in 1896, the original Dow Jones Industrial Average was an unscientific selection of 12 American companies, weighted by the nominal level of their share prices rather than their market value.