1·Small angle neutron scattering of polymer materials;
2·Moreover, compared with the X-ray method, neutron scattering causes less damage to biological samples.
3·Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) technique is a powerful tool for nanometer structural analysis of materials.
4·We can say that neutron scattering is an important and necessary complement for X-ray diffraction and electronic diffraction.
5·The process of adjusting parameters which is oppeared in the direct interaction model of inelastic neutron scattering is investigated.
6·We review current progress in the neutron scattering studies of magnetic excitations in high-transition temperature (high-T_c) copper oxide superconductors.
7·It was found that the neutron scattering influence on the fission neutron spectrum is rather essential and can noticeably change the shape of the fission neutron spectra.
8·The microscopic parameters of the HSA Zn 2+ , Rg and I (0), are obtained directedly by small angle of neutron scattering (SANS) under different concentrations of zinc ion.
9·Almost each new constructed research reactor had installed CNS with the reason that cold neutron scattering experiment is the outstanding in neutron scattering experiment research.
10·There are four principal neutron interactions that affect formation evaluation: elastic neutron scattering, inelastic neutron scattering, fast-neutron reactions and neutron capture.