neutralization test

[分化] 中和试验
[分化] 中和试验,中和值测定;中和作用


1·Serum titers were tested by mouse neutralization test.


2·The virus had a positive reaction with a neutralization test.


3·Serum tests including neutralization test, immune recall responses, and anti HAV IgG were performed 10 years after the initial immunization.


4·The virus was proved to be a Duck Plague virus by means of cell culture, neutralization test and PCR assay, and it was maybe a virulent virus.


5·It is certainty that cross-reactions exist between WNV and JEV, whether cross-protection exists between them need to determine with neutralization test.


6·The samples of 426 swine sera derived from 24 pig farms were detected for the neutralizing antibodies against swine pseudorabies Virus by micro neutralization test.


7·The virus showed a typical morphology of adenovirus in thin section electron microscopy and all 14 isolates were identified to be adenovirus type 7 by neutralization test.

超薄切片镜检查显示典型的腺病毒形态。 中和试验鉴定为腺病毒7型。

8·Seven duck plague virus strains are isolated and identified from seven different invasion districts in Sichuan Province with 9 to 10 day old duck embryo and cross-neutralization test.

用9~ 1 0日龄鸭胚和血清交叉中和试验从四川省七个疑似鸭瘟发病片区分离鉴定了七株鸭瘟病毒。

9·Methods the phage was identified by detection of the host range, calculation of phage plaque, negative staining for TEM, serological neutralization test and one step growth experiment.


10·This paper reports the course followed leading to the successful adaptation of IBV Massachusetts 41 strain to CEK cells as a prerequisite for the development of a micro serum neutralization test.


更新时间:2025-03-26 17:18