1·Some natural ground can't bear building load and can't be parts of building structure at all, if it hasn't been transformed.
2·The roof or cover emerges from natural ground level, with a slope that generates higher interior spaces against the perimeter glass façade.
3·The roof or cover emerges from natural ground level, with a slope that generates higher interior Spaces against the perimeter glass facade.
4·Yesterday, thick frost in morning made the Heng state natural ground tranche pure, imitating a Buddha delivered Jing to send off for a hero.
5·It was shown that, based on the proposed analytical solution, the rate of consolidation of natural ground was much slower than that of the composite ground.
6·The application of the auxiliary foundation is depended on the requirement of the natural ground features, drilling period, types and functions of drilling facility.
7·From the aspects of bearing capacity, averaged settlement and integral decline, analyzing a building of 32 layers based on residual soil of granite, proving the feasibility of natural ground.
8·Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground.
9·I don't mean that you have to assume a parade-ground posture, but stand in a comfortable, natural way, rather than hunching over the lectern.
10·It is very difficult to make basements feel comfortable because they are under ground, usually have insufficient natural light and have the lowest energy in a building.