multi colored

adj. 多色的;多彩的


1·Yes, in a couple of weeks all of this will be a memory to laugh at even harder in the future. I can tell the story about once having multi colored hair.


2·The food groups are replaced with unlabelled, multi-colored vertical stripes which, in some versions, rise out of a cartoon jumble of foods that look like the aftermath of a riot at a grocery store.


3·She quickly passed a multi-colored sea of automobiles, sat in the little white Saturn and said, "Oh, what a pretty little car."


4·The exotic looking lionfish, a favorite of aquarium owners, is a species of multi-colored, striped fish, also known as the Fire Fish because of its venomous spines.

充满异域风情的狮子鱼被赏鱼爱好者所青睐。 狮子鱼身上条纹斑斓,色彩丰富,但因为其脊柱有剧毒,所以也被人称为"火鱼"。

5·The original mix of clothing is as multi-colored as a rainbow.


6·I've seen status reports that included pages of text and a dizzying array of multi-colored charts and diagrams but contained little useful information.


7·Need at least 300 tiny multi-colored magnets.


8·She then shapes the multi-colored petals into a cocoon-like structure, laying one petal on top of the other and occasionally using some nectar as glue.


9·Pictured above is her multi-colored cabinet with a faceted, pleated design that gradually fades into a flat minimal surface.


10·Silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored. Some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and boats.
