1·When calm yet beautiful, I trust that your focus and composure will be the most serene yet powerful force.
2·The bravest of men have the least of a brutal, bullying insolence, and in the very time of danger are found the most serene and free. -Shaftsbury.
3·Ships pass by the city of Wushan (named after a mountain once believed to be inhabited by witches) before entering the Wu Gorge, the most serene of the three.
4·We are fond of staying with the old, because we can sense their inner peace from their serene faces. Maybe for them, the essence of life is to live it in the most comfortable way they deem.
5·Unbeknown to most who pass through this serene place, however, it is a gold mine for medical research.
6·It's exactly what you would expect from him. It's pale, gray, serene, economical, subdued and, from most angles, pretty splendid.
7·Most importantly, I want to be serene and free, that is why I don't consider playing in the Champions League a requirement.
8·For the most part, and in most places, the era of "Serene Highnesses" and "Your Excellencies" is over.
9·For 1, 050 yuan an hour, the Australian bagpiper will fill your home with the serene scream of one of Scotland`s most treasured instruments.
10·These can be inspired by an exalting piece of music, by the serene happiness we sometimes feel in nature, or by the most ordinary everyday situation.