1·"You ought to have one too, Shasta," he snorted. "It's most refreshing."
2·If anything, this was one of the most refreshing "tour groups" I have ever been on.
3·Watching the morning dew is the most refreshing view that helps relax your mind and soul.
4·Its roundness in the mouth is enhanced by a delicate acidity, making it most refreshing.
5·What I found most refreshing was educating the user in the immediate space rather than merely telling them they might be breaking the law and then providing a link to another page.
6·Though I couldn't understand most of it at the very beginning, the whole experience was exciting and refreshing.
7·Source Code is an original script, which must have been a refreshing prospect given that most projects coming out of Hollywood seem to be a spinoff of some pre-existing franchise.
8·Most of the issues revolved around difficulty in bookmarking and refreshing pages, and the inability of search engines — which don't support frames — to index the appropriate content.
9·Perhaps you can do it in a place where you are most comfortable, in a clean and refreshing surrounding.
10·He had absolutely no regard for convention and manners, and that was refreshing, most of the time.