1·Fifty licenses may seem like a daunting number, but most of those fall into two categories: academic licenses and reciprocal licenses.
2·The most precious thing in our lives is the reciprocal assistance while we are in troubles without considering too much about personal loss and hurt.
3·Most common in financial sectors, one frequent example is insurance companies purchasing shares in Banks as a reciprocal arrangement for loans.
4·The reciprocal verification of the value rationality of mentality and the value reason of destiny is the most creative thinking in the theory of good nature and the theory of destiny.
5·The degree of recombination is reciprocal in most cases.
6·Most coastal states that knew a claim would be contested have made agreements that one would not object to a neighbour's bid if the other showed reciprocal forbearance.
7·Another reason maybe links to the distribution of most Wanzai's Hakkas habiting western and northern Wanzai, while this was not a reciprocal relationship.
8·The experiment test system which based on the twin inverter-motor reciprocal power-fed test rig is one of the most advanved and poplur test methods of AC drive.
9·Although the content of geography teaching contact between the complex and diverse, but the relevance of reciprocal causation is the teaching of geography the most significant features of the system.
10·In bottom heat mode, most of the movement of working fluid is pulsating and one-direction circulating flow, not random reciprocal oscillating in certain straight pipe or U-shaped pipe.