1·His plan is the most practicable in all plans.
2·Developing and utilizing renewable energy is currently the most practicable measure to combat climate change and to meet ever-increasing energy demand.
3·It is known that photovoltaic system is one of the cleanest, most practicable, most promising resource in all kinds of renewable energy resources nowadays.
4·Converting the waste PVC plastic into activated carbon fibers was one of the most practicable methods to reuse, resource and recycle the waste PVC plastic with harmlessness.
提出了制备活性碳纤维是实现废旧PV C无害化、资源化的切实可行的方法之一。
5·Title III Crowdfunding will likely undergo a number of legislative iterations, such as increasing the $1M offering threshold, before it becomes practicable for most emerging businesses.
在“标题三 众筹”能对大多数新兴企业都可行之前,它很可能要经历一系列的立法变更,比如提高一百万美元的发行门槛。
6·The method is a simple, convenient and practicable, and can be used for analysis of most elements.
方法简便、快速、 实用,适用于大多数样品元素的分析。
7·Analyzed and summarized it and then made certain practicable Suggestions to YPC company to improve the products. most of these Suggestions were adopted.