1·Pick and choose the gear that shows them at their most epic!
2·The most epic match in tennis history ended up for a total of 11 hours and 5 minutes.
3·Satan's shield is as big as the moon—this is the most common form of simile, epic, or otherwise, and it can be schematized.
4·But what was perhaps most impressive were the epic battle scenes, which broke new ground in special effects by showing huge Numbers of characters with an unprecedented degree of detail and realism.
5·The “Epic of Gilgamesh”, one of the most ancient works of literature, chronicles the eponymous hero’s quest for eternal life.
6·The "Epic of Gilgamesh", one of the most ancient works of literature, Chronicles the eponymous hero's quest for eternal life.
7·But the most central act of eating, of course, in Milton's great epic obviously has nothing to do with angels.
8·Fighting an epic enemy only to see him respawn a moment later, or feeling as if the most important thing you did today was murdering ten rats, can cause a game to have a flat, repetitive feel.
9·An Epic Clash of the Titans, writes Sam Gustin at Daily Finance: "the conflict could shape up to be a massive battle between two of Silicon Valley's richest and most powerful companies."
10·The Pitch: Even if Terrence Malick‘s long-awaited epic turns out to be a total failure, it’ll still be the most ambitious and interesting films of the season.
即使泰伦斯·马利克(Terrence Malick)这部筹备已久的史诗片有可能会败北,但其依然是暑期档最具野心,最有趣的电影。