1·The most dominant reason for poor ovarian response is the decline of ovarian reserve.
2·MLS looks through the edge of Earth’s atmosphere to measure gases, in this case ozone and chlorine monoxide, one of the most dominant ozone-destroying gases.
MLS会穿过地球的两极来观测气体数据,这里会用到的主要是臭氧与氯的氧化物(chlorine monoxide)数据,而后者就是破坏臭氧的最为主要的物质。
3·And only in the NBA could Shaq, the most dominant center of all time, have one MVP while Steve Nash, who has never gotten his team to the NBA Finals, has two.
NBA 有史以来最有统治力的中锋奥尼尔只获得过一次MVP ,而纳什这位从来没有率队进军总决赛的球员也获得过两次MVP 。
4·In Europe, cocktail or mixed flavours rank behind orange due to their strong presence in still drinks and nectars, but globally the second most dominant flavour is lemon.
在欧洲,鸡尾酒和混合口味饮料排在橘子味之后,这是因为他们仍然保留着对冲调饮料和调味饮料的强烈热爱。 但是就全球市场来说,占第二位的是柠檬口味。
5·The Tramp, also known as The Little Tramp was Charlie Chaplin's most memorable on-screen character, a recognized icon of world cinema most dominant during the silent film era.
6·If there was any question about one of the most dominant issues in international education, consider this: Several hundred people packed a ballroom here to mangle Chinese vowels.
7·In order to provide the customer a perfect travel experience, the company centered the most dominant global supplier of resources, and strive to give customers an unprecedented feast.
8·And, in fact, the most dominant proponent of the view is our very own Frank Keil, master of Morse College at Yale, who has strongly defended the notion of an intuitive biological module.
9·O'Neal is widely regarded as the NBA's most dominant centre after winning four NBA championships, three with the Los Angeles Lakers between 2000 and 2002 and one with the Heat last year.
奥尼尔被认为是NBA最具统治力的中锋。 他曾带领球队四次夺得NBA总冠军,其中三次是在洛杉矶湖人队,夺得2000年至2002年赛季的冠军,一次是去年在热队夺冠。
10·Thebes was the ruling capital of ancient Egypt during its most dominant eras, beginning with the Old Kingdom 4500 years ago, and is home to two of its most revered temples at Karnak and Luxor.