most assured



1·Fude Metal Mesh Factory, allows you to use the most preferential prices, the fastest way to get the most assured products.


2·Since writing the above, dearest Lizzy, something has occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature; but I am afraid of alarming you — be assured that we are all well.


3·Until now, most clinics had to rely on microscopy, but the recent development of quality-assured Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) using a dip stick and a drop of blood means a policy change is possible.


4·But when that certain finger is ringless, even the most self-assured single dreads the shame and rebuke of disappointed family during a visit home.


5·If the overall time is measurably shorter than most other measured times, the attacker can be reasonably assured they have entered the release times correctly.


6·First-time users can rest assured that what you're reading is the most current information regarding this plugin at the time of writing.


7·She assured us that her dearest wish was our welfare, but I knew even then, with the mysterious clairvoyance of childhood, that what she wanted most was the husband she never got.


8·"Yet, the fix is simple, " he said "Canadians need to know what's in the perfume they're buying, be assured the perfumes are safety-tested and know that the most harmful chemicals are banned."

“但是,补救很简单。” 他说,“加拿大人需要知道他们买的香水中有什么,确保这些香水是经过安全检测的,而且知道最有害的化学成份是被禁止的。”

9·Most of what is happening at present is beyond your eyes, but be assured that all still proceeds well.


10·Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink.


更新时间:2025-03-28 02:05