1·For centuries the Dutch formula, fresh eggs, ingredients, make more supple flavors.
2·Basically, you're asking how do you restore elasticity to skin to give it a more supple look.
3·When they do, rule aficionados will say, "Well, we can emend it and make it more supple by adding to the circumstances it covers."
4·Cultivating a humorous mindset helps you see yourself and any situation with a more supple mind so that you are not locked into a negative view.
5·Deep red with ruby glints, this racy wine has pleasant aromas of red fruits backed by a firm but elegant tannic structure becoming more supple when matured.
6·They often begin by charging higher rates than Mr Yunus considers legitimate, but cut prices when their returns draw competitors-a tough but theoretically more supple model.
7·The pectoral muscles may be released along its inferior edge to allow a larger, more supple pocket for the expander at the expense of thinner lower pole soft tissue coverage.
8·Lengthening your muscles is a great way to relieve stored-up physical and emotional tension. Stretching also makes the body more supple, which reduces the risk of injury during activity.
9·Is revealed to be a situation that's supple, more nuanced, even interesting.
10·As we age, cells typically begin to regenerate more slowly and those known as fibroblasts produce less collagen, a protein that keeps skin firm and supple.
胶原蛋白可以保持皮肤紧致圆润。 随着年龄增长,细胞更新速度渐缓,成纤维细胞制造的胶原蛋白便逐步减少,来自阳光的紫外线、污染与吸烟等环境因素,则更加速这些变化。