1·This is an extraordinary find but there is still a lot more down there that has to be found.
2·The AU's pronouncements are more down-to-earth than those of its predecessor.
3·That’s more down the portable nature of the devices it runs on that anything else.
4·The more down-to-earth explanation is that the global surplus reflects statistical errors.
5·In more down-to-earth terms, it's impossible to know with any certainty whether you will live or die tomorrow.
6·Jot them quickly, move into another space, jot some more down, move to another blank, and just keep moving around and jotting.
7·The weather may still be in the lap of the gods but the fecundity of the soil can now be improved by more down-to-earth means.
8·It was the most dignified newspaper in the world and he kind of decided that, in order to survive, they had to get a little bit more down to earth.
9·Round the corner things are more down-to-earth at a hostel and day-centre for the homeless (the largest in London, it is claimed) set up by a religious order, the Daughters of Charity.
10·The menu ranges from starters like Smoked Haddock Brandade or Oriental Duck Salad to Paupiette of Salmon or Whole Bones Poussin for main courses, or straight burgers for the more down-to-earth diners.