monotone function

[数] 单调函数
[数] 单调函数;单弹数


1·The monotone optimization is to maximize a monotone objective function constrained by monotone functions.


2·In this paper, the validity of sequential uniform design for monotone function by rate jump was point out.


3·The monotone optimization is to maximize or minimize a monotone objective function constrained by monotone functions.


4·When a inverse function of monotone function can not show the explicit formula, the distribution density curve of continuous randon variable can be gained with a parametric equation.


5·A new growth index is put forward with the introduction to a strictly monotone increasing function other than the logarithm to this function.


6·This paper considers the existence of monotone trajectory for a pure exchange economy, in which one requires that some total utility function should rapidly grow.


7·Therefore, the design of large-scale commercial space should enhance the research on its spirituality, rather than only a monotone shaping mode with trade function.


8·In this paper, under the condition of strictly monotone, discusses strictly monotone , continuity and derivatiability of integral mean value function, and the general results are obtained.

本文在严格单调的前提下 ,讨论了积分中值函数的严格单调性、连续性和可微性 ,得到了具有一般性的结论。

9·The studies performed show it is a monotone increasing function of crepe effect and its value can be used as a quantitative index for crepe effect evaluation.


10·The monotone property of multivariate function proved that the maximum stress strength point exists on the inner surface of casing under the triaxial stress conditions.


更新时间:2025-03-07 11:13