1·Recent discoveries in molecular biology, however, have opened up prospects for a resolution of the debate.
2·The recent work has been made possible by new techniques of molecular biology that allow viral DNA to be detected at low concentrations in the environment.
分子生物学的新技术使最近的工作成为可能,这种新技术能在环境中检测到低浓度的病毒 DNA。
3·Molecular biology has not achieved its potential.
4·The same is happening with the use of molecular biology techniques.
5·Dexter Holland of Offspring was a PHD candidate in molecular biology at USC.
后裔合唱团(Offspring)的Dexter Holland则是南加大分子生物学的博士候选人。
6·But the study suggests the process reaches deep into the body's molecular biology.
7·A quick search for 2009 grants in molecular biology for initial postdocs yielded 50 listings.
8·Rice is one of staple grain crops, now it is a kind of modern plant in molecular biology.
9·This is the website for Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, the University of Edinburgh.
10·This is the website of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of British Columbia.