1·This impervious layer or boundary will retard the free diffusion of moisture. This condition is referred to as case hardening.
2·Leave plant stems free to catch air and moisture and resist disease.
3·Today's modern, frost-free refrigerators work to draw the moisture out of the air, and consequently also out of the food.
4·That continuity of moisture is what brittle landscapes like deserts need to become fertile again. Water activates a mineralization process, setting free nutrients in the soil so that life can grow.
5·Place unit on a clean workbench, in a dust - free and moisture-free room. Handle all parts carefully, and protect them against corrosion and impact damage after disassembly.
6·They had to jump through clouds and she said it hurt a little — the moisture stings your skin because you are free falling so fast.
7·Cleanness: Very tight Molecular structure, surface free of micro pores Moisture proof.
8·All surfaces must be free of oil, grease, moisture another foreign matter prior to blasting.
9·The moisture, ash, total humic acid and free humic acid of the brown coal were analyzed.
10·Moisture-absorbent leather and textile lining keep feet dry and odor free throughout the day.