1·In surviving cattle, the infection may localize in the gallbladder and in hepatic and mesenteric lymph nodes.
2·The cervical, mediastinal, and mesenteric lymph nodes were extremely enlarged, edematous and rarely congested.
3·Mesenteric lymph nodes were edematous and some giant meronts and oocysts were found in their cortical sinuses and lymphatic vessels.
4·Objective To study the change of IL 6R GP130 gene expression in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) after burns and its relationship with cell apoptosis.
5·Bacterial culture and count of mesenteric lymph nodes, pancreas, spleen, liver, portal blood and cecal contents were measured with aseptic manipulation.
6·Figure 1: Axial CT enterographic image demonstrating enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes (green arrowheads) abnormal mesenteric nodes with low central attenuation (blue arrows).
7·Intestinal flora including Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, Enterobacteriaceae and Clostridium perfringens in the feces and bacterial translocation in mesenteric lymph nodes and spleens were detected.
8·The changes in lymphocyte counting of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), mesenteric lymph node (MLN) and axillary lymph nodes (ALN) in each group were observed.
9·More attention should be paid to the lymph nodes around the superior mesenteric vessel, especially when those tumors derived from the pancreatic uncinate process.
10·More attention should be paid to the lymph nodes around the superior mesenteric vessel, especially when the tumor is derived from the pancreatic uncinate process.