memory fade



1·In other words, talking about a negative experience made the emotional intensity of that memory fade faster than if the event had not been recounted.


2·From one generation to the next, even the most horrible events fade from cultural memory.


3·Your memory will fade over time, and things which seem perfectly normal and commonplace now might be fascinating to your grandchildren.

你的记忆会随着时间的流逝而褪色, 现在看起来平淡无奇的事物,在若干年后或许就会让你的子孙们为之着迷。

4·Some artists fade from memory when they die. Twombly will grow in stature.


5·In thinking about the evolution of memory together with all its possible aspects, it is helpful to consider what would happen if memories failed to fade.

在考虑记忆的进化及其所有可能的方面时,思考一下如果记忆不会消失会产生什么结果是很有用处的。 【析句】本句的主干是it is helpful to do sth.,真正的主语是to consider这个不定式,当然它里面还包含了一个带条件从句的宾语从句。逗号前面的是一个状语。

6·You'll each be allowed one question. Everything else about this trip will fade from your memory.


7·I'm sitting on time cage read silently, it was constantly memory flowers come in sadness, suddenly quiet fade.


8·Even if you fade out of my life, but still occupy my memory.


9·She wanted the boys, then 10 and seven, to have a written testimony of her love; fearing that, as they grew older, their memory of her might fade.

她希望给她当时10岁和7岁的两个孩子留下她爱他们的书证。 Pauline害怕,随着Ned和Will长大,他们会渐渐淡忘自己的母亲。

10·When the distant memory that will be passing away, snowflakes will be overwhelming, pervasive, the thousands of Acacia into a white non-word paper, bringing the oath never fade.


更新时间:2025-03-07 10:03