1·A hierarchic classification diagnosis model, based on fuzzy membership grade and rules is being proposed.
2·At last, the Fuzzy decision mathematics model is built. And due to the maximum membership grade principle, the optimal proposal is determined.
3·The membership grade function was established by the two_dimensional measurement universe and the fuzzy colour sensors was designed with this theory.
4·Aiming at the partial invalidity problem which exists in fuzzy comprehensive evaluations, this paper proposes a new relative membership grade weighted mean method.
5·The membership grade function is used to analyze the collusion bidding possibility of the contributed factors and the variable weight method is used to show the weak point.
6·Producer risk and customer risk are defined as fuzzy Numbers and the optimum censored test plan is determined according to the membership grade after determining the feasible region.
7·In this paper, a new model of optimizing fuzzy selection for criteria of prize was built, using fuzzy theory and membership grade by specified weight coefficients of different courses.
8·Using the two-out-of-three principle which is based on the integrated membership grade, this new algorithm improves the reliability of transformer protection in blocking inrush current.
9·Each grade has its corresponding fuzzy set of the membership.
10·Subjection matrix of fuzzy relation was established according to fault phenomenon and causation fuzzy set and its grade of membership.