1·This criterions is more conservative than those expressed by the matrix measure and matrix norm.
2·Decentralized control of region for nonlinear composite systems with input saturation is studied by using Lyapunov's theory and matrix norm properties.
3·A upper bound with consistent matrix norm and the estimate for error of AOR iterative method for solving linear equation system, which based on the doubly diagonal dominance, are presented.
4·Using comparison theorem and some properties of the matrix norm and the matrix measure, the paper provides several stability conditions for single and symmetric composite uncertain delay systems.
5·How to find Euclidean Norm of rows of a matrix with BLAS?
6·The problem of stability in the numerical integration schemes of nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures is discussed by using matrix and norm theory on a rigorous and complete basis in this paper.
7·We discussed the problems of convergence by norm of a matrix, obtaining the formulation of error estimate and the conditions of convergence in requesting the solutions by iterative method.
8·It maps original data to kernel space to get a kernel matrix, and utilizes kernel function and L1 norm to minimize the distance function.
9·By this iterative method, the solvability of the equations can be determined automatically, and its reflexive matrix solution or least-norm reflexive matrix solution can be got within finite steps.
10·The estimations of maximum norm of damping matrix are also considered.