1·Namely, consumer demands are the starting point of any marketing activity of a firm.
2·If the marketing activity on Twitter is any indicator, good PR is certainly still needed.
3·Marketing concept is the reflection of the marketing activity in the consciousness of the proprietor.
4·I am his consultant of guidance and assistance of enterprise management and financial planning and marketing activity.
5·The first thing any marketing activity needs to start with include setting goals, understanding your audience and the market.
6·In theory, only those customers likely to buy were targeted with marketing activity, reducing costs and increasing marketing efficiency.
7·Booking resource via the studio/hub project manager, ensuring that marketing activity can be supported according to the client deadline.
8·In addition, the enterprise's marketing activity which put advertisement into the new media has also stimulated the sporting goods consumption.
9·Responsible for the planning, proposal, implementation and evaluation of the marketing activity plan, media promotion plan, brand promotion plan;
负责营销活动方案、 媒体宣传方案、 品牌推广方案的策划、提案、执行与效果评估;
10·Online advertising is part of the overall marketing strategy. Any marketing activity will pay into the brand value or marketing goal, no matter if online or offline.