1·Rural infrastructure construction is reducing agriculture manufacturing expenses and increase farmer income respect to have distinct effect.
2·For example, I remember touring a manufacturing plant 20 years ago and the plant manager telling me that nearly all of his new capitalization expenses were going toward pollution-control equipment.
3·The bill would also rescind a tax credit for "domestic manufacturing" that oil companies received in 2004 and a much smaller tax break for geological expenses.
4·The "general expenses" shall include the direct and indirect expenses related to the manufacturing and sales of the goods.
5·Additionally, cash-basis accounting is not viable for cost accounting in manufacturing operations because expenses cannot always be correctly associated with product costs.
6·For employee training expenses of software manufacturing enterprises, it is deductible before taxable income.
7·We fear the quantity you require may not warrant our expenses and trouble in readjusting our manufacturing process.
8·CVC shall pay such experts travel expenses between their regular place of employment and CVC manufacturing facility and the cost of their accommodation, meals and living allowances while in CVC.