1·Although the makeup water source is city water, it is drawn from Wells.
2·In the power industry, ion exchange is widely used in makeup water preparation.
3·Waters that are high in organic content, such as river or "gray" water (primarily treated sewage), are sometimes used as makeup water.
4·A new way is offered for deep treatment of effluent used as makeup water of boilers and for process optimization of circulating system.
5·Partially softening the makeup water reduced the scaling tendency adequately on this system and actually resulted in overall cost savings.
6·Low-key naked makeup water tender transparent red tie, suitable for color of skin slants dark red, yellow tonal secret age selected customers.
7·Cooling water generally comes from one of three sources: the cooling tower cold water basin, the makeup water source or the chilled water loop.
8·They are aimed at either cleaning the water in the primary system, providing separate shutdown cooling functions, water chemistry, charging and volume control, makeup water.
9·Fast investment payback from fuel, cooling water and makeup water savings Durable, time proven designs, built to take the punishment of continuous, 24 hour a day service for years.
10·Cleanse nightly with a cream cleanser to remove makeup and surface dirt. Use a soft cloth and lots of water.