make attack



1·This paper introduces the attack tree model, presents a network attack system based on attack tree, which can make attack scenario base on the target's practice and do it.


2·The bacteria in plaque make poisons that attack the gums.


3·Attack by scavengers and bacteria, chemical decay, and destruction by erosion and other geologic agencies make the odds against preservation very high.


4·The insight is an intuitive one—threatening someone to convince him not to attack you is much more likely to work than threatening him in order to make him give up something he cares about.


5·We want to fight, but when we make a plan to attack, Alambo always says no.


6·The best way to prevent this type of attack is to enforce policies that make passwords difficult to guess.


7·Sometimes you have intelligence about an attack, but not enough evidence confidently to make an arrest; yet you don't have the luxury of being able to wait.


8·The chemicals, which are routinely used on farms and garden centres, attack the central systems of insects and make bee colonies more vulnerable to disease and pests.


9·Decreasing CD47 levels on tumour cells could also make them more sensitive to attack by the patient's immune system after treatment.

这种方法同样减少了肿瘤细胞内CD 47蛋白的水平,从而可以使肿瘤细胞对于患者的免疫系统更加敏感。

10·To make an attack, the attacker needs to buy several SSL certificates from CAs who sign certificates with the MD5 algorithm.

要实现攻击,攻击者需要先从使用MD 5算法签署证书的CA购买若干ssl证书。