1·For anight dive like this, he should have had a surface float with its ownlight to make it visible.
2·To make my example easier to follow, I chose not to modify code, but you are welcome to dive in and rewrite the entire kernel subsystem if you are so inclined.
3·These cars do not just go on land; they fly in the air, go for a dive under the ocean and even make you wonder if they indeed are cars!!
4·I mean, it really does make a difference in terms of removing some of the chemicals from your skin that ordinarily would be just removed when you dive in...
5·As with any new goal, like I mentioned earlier, you're keen and eager to dive in, get going and make progress.
6·We assume that we must "overcome" fear to dive into a pool, or develop confidence so we can make a public presentation.
7·A basic rule is never to dive or snorkel unaccompanied. Where possible make any bookings through your tour representative.
8·From a thousand feet, flapping his wings as hard as he could, he pushed over into a blazing steep dive toward the waves, and learned why seagulls don't make blazing steep power-dives.
9·Look at the site first, make a decision, and then dive into the HTML and CSS.
10·Before I dive into describing the import statements, let me make the distinction between an import and an include.