majority leader



1·They followed the lead of the majority leader in voting.


2·Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, refused to defend him.


3·One rule, championed by Georgia's House majority leader, banned them from living within 1,000 feet of a school bus stop.


4·On March 20th, Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, voiced scepticism over the link between the JOBS act and job creation.


5·Richmond is the home city of the number-two House Republican, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, one of Mr. Obama's fiercest critics.


6·He joked that when Joe Bruno, the formidable majority leader of the state Senate, invited him to dinner he accepted, but vowed to take a food-taster with him.

他开玩笑道,当时Joe Bruno,参议院大多数派的一位令人望而生畏的领导者,曾邀请他去吃饭,他答应了不过是在同应和他一起吃快餐的前提下。

7·Us Justice Department released on October 23, 2001 this picture of the anthrax-laced letter, which was sent to the Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, in Washington.

美国司法部23日展示了带有炭疽热病毒的信件照片,这封信是寄到位于华盛顿的参议院多数党领导人Tom Daschle的。

8·If the left secures a majority of seats in parliament, Socialist leader Lionel Jospin would likely become prime minister in a power-sharing arrangement with President Chirac.


9·The Sunday Leader has never sought safety by unquestioningly articulating the majority view.


10·Elie Domota, its leader, who is a securely paid French civil servant, talks of re-establishing “the legitimate rights of blacks as the majority people”.

其领导人Elie Domota是收入有保障的法国公务员,提出要重新建立“黑人和大多数人一样的合法权利”。