1·Its main body adheres to the goal of composed method: it reads like an outline of the steps it performs.
2·Say it (main body of the paper)
3·This is handled in the policy description by using a nested policy for the exchange with the STS, while the main body of the policy applies to the exchange between the client and the service.
对于与 STS 之间的交换,可在策略描述中通过使用一个嵌套的策略加以处理,而此策略的主体则用于客户机与服务之间的交换。
4·These will all be used to make access to stack frame offsets much clearer in the main body of code.
5·Call this initialization function from within the main body of the XSLT, as in Listing 4.
1·Often essential words and concepts that appear in the glossary don't appear in the main body of the problem statement.
2·The thesis consists of the main body and references.
3·Main body: Based on abroad analysis of Bi's works, this chapter discusses the creative matrixes "pain" and "fear" as well as the tragic aesthetic characteristics with three sections.
4·This paper comprises introduction, the three chapters of main body and the appendix.
5·The dissertation is categorized into three sections: preface, main body and conclusion.
1·The input disk (28) is driven by a drive force supplied from a motor main body (92) of the motor apparatus (90).