1·The bottom-up approach is focused on annotating information in pages, using RDF, so that it is machine readable.
2·Explaining this contextual contract in some XML-based machine readable description outside representations is redundant.
3·Service metadata comprises both machine readable metadata and other relevant information such as service description and SLAs.
4·Information made machine readable with the right markup could be passively captured and reused in different contexts to add new value. That's a pretty smart idea.
5·WSDL documents are designed to be machine readable, and while they are also readable by humans, teams looking to reuse services typically require additional information.
6·The concept of a machine readable approach should be expanded from the description of service interface, such as WSDL, to all other forms of declarative information or meta-data.
7·One of the intentions of SGML was to distinguish textual content from its presentation by embedding the textual content in machine-readable tags.
8·Also note that a completely machine-readable description of a contract for a remote interface is a fallacy.
9·The template then applies any applicable downstream templates to deal with machine-readable content in the CDA entry.
然后模板会应用任何适用的下游模板来处理 CDA 条目中的机器可读内容。
10·But machine-readable descriptions can sometimes help us reduce the amount of work that we, as programmers, testers and administrators, need to do.