lose pound



1·To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3600 calories.


2·Once you have that number, you need to create a deficit — either by dieting or exercise — of approximately 500 calories per day to lose a pound a week.


3·Your metabolism is slower than it used to be (for every pound you lose your metabolism slows down by 20 CAL a day) and your body is used to your current exercise routine and diet.


4·Because 3, 500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat, you need to burn 3, 500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound.


5·A realistic goal is to lose a pound a week by cutting back just 500 calories a day.


6·Watch your portions and number of calories you eat in one day -- to lose one pound, you need to reduce your calorie intake by 3,500 calories, the amount of calories in one pound of fat.

根据你的减肥步骤和你一天吃的能量总量。 每减少1磅,你需要减少你的能量摄入3500卡,这是1磅脂肪所含能量总量。

7·A trader who sold his London property and relocated could lose much or all of his tax savings on his return if the pound recovers.


8·One pound of fat equals 3500 calories, so you need to burn more calories each day in order to lose weight.


9·The National Institutes of Health states that if you eat 500 fewer calories every day, you will lose a pound each week.


10·Which comes to almost 5 pounds, since you \ 'll lose one pound for every 3, 500 calories cut from your food intake.


更新时间:2025-03-25 08:46