locate site



1·To locate the optimal drill site, the team had to conduct the first detailed characterisation of the physiography of a sub-glacial lake.


2·If you run a tourism site, you might want to allow travelers to search for places of interest near their destination in order to locate services that will help them enjoy their visit.


3·Is your company's Web site designed to ensure that prospective clients can locate your site when using a search engine?


4·To locate the largest images, run the general crawl for your site and then sort the table by "SIZE" column. This will bring up the largest files linked from your site pages.


5·Locate the Ruby on Rails installation packages at the Ruby Web site (see Resources) Follow the instructions in this section to perform the installation.

在Ruby网站找到Ruby on Rails安装程序包(请参见参考资料)。按照此部分的说明执行安装。

6·Some of his ideas were quite practical—such as his admonition to locate theaters on a “healthy” site with adequate ventilation (away from swamps and marshes).


7·With no agreement on where to locate a federal storage site, that waste is now stored in pools or casks on utilities' property.


8·The DB2 Records Manager Web site is the ideal place to locate resources having to do with IBM DB2 Records Manager V3.1 and records management related information.

DB2 Records ManagerWeb 站点是查找与 IBM DB2 Records Manager V3.1 以及记录管理相关信息的有关资源的理想场所。

9·Double-click Sites in the left pane, and then locate the appropriate site or click Default-first-site-name if no other sites are available.


10·Clicked links that change color help the user to locate himself more easily around your site, making sure that he will not end up visiting the same pages unintentionally.


更新时间:2025-03-27 07:00