1·Properties of the Surface Electron ripplon System on Films of Liquid Helium;
2·Liquid helium is most frequently provided to customers in a liquid container.
3·Liquid helium ISO tanks may be removed from the trailer chassis for overseas shipments.
对于海外运输,液氦IS O罐可以从拖车底座上移动下来。
4·However, materials must be suitable for use at the extremely low temperatures of liquid helium.
5·The remaining 114 tons of liquid helium in the collider was unaffected by the leak, said Gillies.
6·Electrons on the outer surface of liquid helium form a nearly ideal two-dimensional electron system.
7·J - t loop is precooled by two - stage pulse tube cryocooler in order to obtain liquid helium temperature.
8·Liquid helium cools infrared detectors, nuclear reactors, and the superconducting magnets used in MRI machines, too.
9·"Unfortunately, I couldn't get liquid helium delivered to my garage to finish the device, " Flynn says jokingly.
10·The experiments were made possible by a novel, one-layer ion trap cooled to minus 269 C (minus 452 F) with a liquid helium bath.