1·To sustain a low level of leadership control and a high level of autonomy, Agile Teams need to focus on the central part of the Team Management Wheel - Linking.
2·You have to limit your exposure to risky asset classes to a level that allows you to sustain those positions even in the face of terribly adverse market conditions.
3·Management and other upper-income employees would have to accept less compensation in order to pay lower-level workers more so their consumption could remain level and sustain firms' profits.
4·To sustain love, we need to continually fuel whatever inspires us on the deepest level.
5·A structural system composed by huge crossed beams stands at the restaurant level, thus collaborating with the glass columns to sustain the whole building.
6·Limit the time you devote to grammar explanations to 10 minutes, especially for lower level students whose ability to sustain attention can be limited.
7·Carry capacity — The level of population a given habitat can sustain indefinitely.
8·The district governor is in a unique position to sustain Rotary International's success by fostering success at the club level.
9·Core inflation remains somewhat elevated. Although inflation pressures seem likely to moderate over time, the high level of resource utilization has the potential to sustain those pressures.
10·Humans are failing at this time to understand what a proper diet requires to sustain the current level of consciousness, let alone ascend into a new higher level of consciousness.