1·Depreciation on leased assets and on premises and equipment.
2·Other leased assets should be amortized by using a systematic and reasonable method.
3·For the buyer, the advantage is that the income from the leased assets could be forecasted too.
4·As for other leased assets, systematic and reasonable methods shall be adopted for its amortization.
5·Article 38a lessor shall disclose the carrying amount of each class of leased assets in the operating leases.
6·The leased assets are of a specialized nature that only the lessee can use them without making major modifications.
7·Theoreticlly, non-capitalization of leased assets is not consitent with accounting principles as well as the recognization of accounting elements.
从理论上讲,不将租赁资产资本化既不符合会计原则, 也不符合会计要素的确认。
8·Operating leases represent those leases under which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the leased assets remain with the lessors.
9·Article 16 in calculating the depreciation of a leased asset, the lessee should adopt a depreciation policy for leased assets consistent with that for depreciable assets which are owned by the lessee.
10·Properties and buildings, whether they are leased or purchased, are some of a company's most expensive and significant assets.