1·But confidence can leak away rapidly.
2·But when disaster strikes the cash can quickly leak away.
3·If a wire was laid under water, the current would all leak away.
4·Batteries should be kept in dry places lest electricity should leak away.
5·Batteries must be kept in dry places for fear that electricity leak away.
6·In theory, he says, such devices could maintain their power indefinitely until used, unlike batteries whose charges leak away gradually as they sit unused.
7·In theory, he says, such devices could maintain their power indefinitely until used, unlike batteries whose charges leak away gradually as they sit unused.
8·The only other addition is the call at the end of the class to remove the property that you set, which is just a precaution to ensure that memory does not leak away unexpectedly.
9·Recent troubles like the leak of a secret phone prototype and the antenna problems reported by some owners of the iPhone 4 have chipped away at that image somewhat.
最近绝密电话模型被泄露,iPhone 4用户举报天线有问题,这些都一定程度上的影响了苹果的保密形象。
10·Negative thinking can make all sorts of things incredibly difficult. It is like a leak in your confidence bucket - constantly drip-drip-dripping away your confidence and self esteem.