1·One must apply oneself to the present and keep one's eyes firmly fixed on one's future goals.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·Let it be one of the chief lessons of experience to keep hope alive without entirely satisfying it, by preserving it to make oneself always needed even by a patron on the throne.
3·Pure religion undefiled before our God and father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
4·Lett it be one of the chief lessons of experience to keep hope alive without entirely satisfying it, by preserving it to make oneself always needed, even by a patron on the throne.
5·To get wisdom is to love oneself; to keep understanding is to prosper.
6·So, if oneself looked for the boy friend with a particularly good condition or girlfriend, want hugger-mugger to keep back do not say, meeting hold back goes to hard to avoid internal injury.
7·Latter-day dog is lazier, cannot keep watch at night, full during the day is holding a head high to run quickly madly spank, above oneself, defiant.
8·The person of honesty have to keep promise to oneself, his end powerful supporter be sincerity.
9·Use thumb to keep self's hand on accommodate oneself to but relaxed usage of small switch place button.
10·Two years, oneself always keep promising mental state, obey leadership, pay attention to the interests, who, pragmatic and hard work.