irradiation damage

[核] 辐照损伤
[核] 辐照损伤,照射损害


1·Conclusion ASS have protective effects on mice with irradiation damage induced by X-rays.


2·The irradiation damage behavior of materials under intense radiation is the key for nuclear technology.


3·The origin of these traps might be due to irradiation damage induced by plasma during insulating layer growth process.


4·The microscopic mechanism of irradiation damage of Al film reflector is studied by the slow positron annihilation technique and X-ray diffraction.


5·In primary loop in nuclear plants, the Cast Austenite Stainless Steel (CASS) under operation temperature will face to the issue of thermal aging besides of irradiation damage.


6·We think that the excess carriers are generated from the lattice damage defects caused by the neutron irradiation, and may be affected by the as-grown defects of FZSi.


7·The experimental results show that the radiation damage in this modified 316l stainless steel is more sensitive to irradiation temperature.

实验结果表明,在改进型316 L不锈钢中辐照损伤随辐照温度变化更灵敏。

8·The results indicated that the degree and characteristic of radiation damage were variable under different irradiation conditions and the somatic cell responses induced by irradiation were reversible.


9·However, while irradiated at elevated temperatures, even the irradiation dose-rate is higher, the radiation damage of the transistor has marked difference.


10·The kinetics of repair of sublethal damage was studied on cervical spinal cord in rats after fractionated irradiation.


更新时间:2025-03-09 06:24