1·It took Internet Explorer over a decade just to add support for the abbr element.
因特网浏览器(Internet Explorer)花了十多年的时间才添加了对 abbr 元素的支持。
2·Internet Explorer 10, the version due to appear with Windows 8, would have DNT as a default.
与 Windows 8 一起发布的 IE10 将把 DNT 作为默认设置。
3·Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT; Google's Chrome is due to do so this year.
微软的 IE 浏览器和苹果的 Safari 浏览器都提供了 DNT 选项;谷歌的 Chrome 浏览器也将在今年推出相同功能。
4·Mosaic, introduced in 1992, has been replaced by much more powerful Internet browsers such as its successor Netscape or Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
Mosaic 于1992年推出,现已被 Netscape 或 Microsoft 的 Internet Explorer 等功能强大得多的互联网浏览器所取代。
5·Hardware acceleration on Internet Explorer 9.
在IE 9上的硬件加速。
6·The solution varies in Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Internet Explorer和Firefox中的解决方案各不相同。
7·An Internet Explorer version, coming soon, could help.
8·The clients used will be Firefox and Internet Explorer.
所使用的客户机将为Firefox和Internet Explorer。
9·Download scripts vary in Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Internet Explorer和Firefox中的下载脚本各不相同。
10·For Internet Explorer, the process is a little trickier.
对于Internet Explorer,这个过程要稍微复杂一些。