1·The computer system can make the internal surface grinder automatically operative.
2·The structure of reticular veins on internal surface of pileus is considered similar to that of external surface.
3·The three spline broach with radius pendulum profile is developed to broach the internal surface of motorcycle clutches.
4·The excess material formed on the internal surface of a coiled tubing string by the longitudinal weld during manufacture.
5·The smoothness of the new internal surface increases the flow velocity and thereby compensates the reduced cross-section.
6·The internal surface processing of hydraulic cylinder requires high accuracy of size, shape, and good deformed surface finish.
7·Root hairs feed from the surface particles, therefore the internal surface area has a great influence on plant food in the soil.
8·The quality of the internal surface can be greatly improved and the punch force can be significantly reduced by using inner set hose.
9·Furthermore if internal surface is over heat, melt metal shall drop into impedor and shall low the life cycle and properties of impedor.
10·The failure mechanism of lead bronze shaft sleeves with many pits on their internal surface is analyzed by optical metallograph and EPMA.