1·Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests are valued in part because researchers have linked scores to success or failure later in life.
2·Intelligence quotient (IQ) is a standardized measure of human intellectual capacity that takes into account a wide range of cognitive skills.
3·Objective To investigate on - line behavior of college students and study the influence of internet addiction disorder (IAD) on intelligence quotient (IQ).
4·Results: (1) Intelligence quotient (IQ) in WAIS-RC test droped before radiotherapy, the end of radiotherapy, both 3 and 6 months after radiotherapy in various degree.
5·Methods intelligence quotient (IQ) values were measured by the combined Raven's Test and factors of social-economic-culture on children's intelligence level were analysed.
6·The psychologists also discoverer that the intelligence quotient (IQ) is not the only determining factor that the human matures, the emotion intelligence is the key to subdue.
7·Lead author Maryse Bouchard explains, "We found significant deficits in the intelligence quotient (IQ) of children exposed to higher concentration of manganese in drinking water."
8·To know about the difference between the feeblemindedness (FG) and normal (NG) children at the intelligence quotient (IQ) and the emotional indicator (EI) in the Human Figure Drawings (HFDs).
9·It not only looks pretty, but very fast, but also IQ (intelligence quotient) of a high fish, so I very much like it.
10·While IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tells you how smart you are, EQ (Emotional Quotient) tells you how well you use your smartness.