installed power



1·In addition, the existing capacity also needs refurbishment because, as it stands today, a quarter of Africa's installed power generation capacity is not operational.


2·Of course, solar power represents just 0.375 percent of all installed power generation worldwide and there's the little problem of producing electricity at night.


3·The calculating method of installed power of the improved hydraulic elevator is presented, and so it is clear that the installed power of the system can be reduced greatly.


4·China's installed power generation capacity and highway length both rank the second place, and Numbers of fixed telephone and mobile phone subscribers are number one in the world.


5·American Electric Power co. Inc. has installed 7 megawatts of the bus-sized batteries to ease congestion on its transmission lines, and it has an additional 4 megawatts under development.


6·China now ranks as first in the world for solar heating and photovoltaic generation, as well as installed hydro power capacity.


7·In addition, the astronauts installed a backup ammonia jumper cable between the port 4 and 5 trusses of the station and transferred a power and data grapple fixture from the shuttle to the station.


8·It is already possible to power small electronic devices, such as wireless sensors installed in buildings and industrial machinery, using a dedicated microwave transmitter nearby.


9·"Similarly, by 2020 the total installed capacity for solar power will be at least three times that of the original target [3GW], " Zhang said in an interview in London.

“到2020年,太阳能发电的总装机容量也将可以达到原目标(3千兆瓦)的三倍。” 张晓强在伦敦接受采访时表示。

10·The user who first noticed these 'new' ads simply forgot that she had installed the Power Twitter plugin for Firefox.

那个第一位发现这类“新”广告的用户只是忘了她之前安装过带有广告的Firefox插件Power Twitter。