insect damage

[植保] 虫害
昆虫损坏;[植保] 虫害


1·So, healthy cedars are unlikely to suffer from the insect damage.


2·When corn is attacked by insects a mold called Fusarium can grow at the site of insect damage and produce fumonisin.


3·Also, do not build up mulch around the base of trees or plants like a volcano. This could lead to disease or insect damage.


4·Improving maize resistance to corn borer is an economical and effective technique to reduce the yield loss caused by insect damage.


5·Emphasis is laid on the integration of sensory informations in the central nerve system of insects, plant compensation for insect damage, and induction of chemical defence in plants by herbivory.


6·A mutated “biotype B” insect emerged in Napa Valley in 1980 and did an estimated $6 billion of damage before wide-scale uprooting, burning and replanting was completed in 1995.

1980年,加州纳帕谷出现了一种基因突变的“同型小种B型”蚜虫。 这种蚜虫造成了估计60亿美元的损失,随后葡萄园开始了大规模连根拔除,烧毁并重新栽种于1995年完成。

7·Insect predators living in the mixed species plantations reduce pest damage.


8·Keeping clothes insect-free (and therefore damage-free) also requires covering them for the duration of storage.


9·Insect Swarm: Casting lower ranks of this spell is now properly penalized like other healing and damage effects.


10·Mills start with a hard, strong construction grade wood like Douglas fir, and then preservative chemicals are injected under pressure to limit the effects of insect and rot damage.


更新时间:2025-03-27 09:32