1·The initial price is still unknown.
2·However, Japanese salesman thus made concessions, since initial price was 130 dollars.
3·The price was set at $33 a share, well above the initial price range of between $26 and $29.
4·In respect of each Underlying Stock, 77% of its respective Initial Price, round up to second.
5·An Invoicer participant provides the Invoicing service for calculating the initial price for a purchase order.
6·The initial price calculation may be used to verify that the customer has sufficient credit or still wants to purchase the products.
7·The company hopes to raise $10.6 billion by offering 365m shares of common stock with an initial price range of between $26 and $29 and 60m shares in preferred stock.
8·Achievement motivation determines whether a node sponsors or participates in a negotiation as well as the principle of setting initial price in the preliminary stage.
9·To carry out the transition uf regulation method from traditional mode to incentive regulation mode, the setup of initial price in price cap regulation model is amended based.
10·An invoicing service provider provides the invoicing interface for calculating the initial price for a purchase order, and it then refines this price when the shipping information is known.