1·They got either a placebo or one of three doses of powdered ginger in a capsule.
2·It may all look the same when it's in a capsule, but the reality is very different.
3·He catalogued this thought in his head like an entry in a capsule to be viewed at another time.
4·While the Inn provides a public lounge space, including bathrooms, guests stay in a capsule unit.
5·I understand the impulse; it's a way of encapsulating an enterprise that doesn't exactly fit in a capsule.
6·One of the best ways of looking at each domain in a capsule is to consider a COBIT lifecycle of four domains, the domain lifecycle for short.
观察每个气泡中的领域的最好方法之一是考虑四个领域的 COBIT 生命周期,简称领域生命周期。
7·Such an initiative would build on Mars-500, a joint Russian-European project that saw six human volunteers confined in a capsule in Moscow for 120 days earlier this year to simulate a Mars mission.
8·Try and keep it in a time capsule.
9·"I try and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar," Loe said.
10·The plan will be for spacemen and up to eight passengers to travel in Neptune, a capsule tied to a balloon about the size of a football field.