1·It is not enough to wish to be good unless we hunger after it.
2·The precipitous decline in glucose can also lead to more hunger after a carbohydrate-rich meal and thus contribute to overeating and obesity.
3·Several hours after a meal, people's hunger levels were predicted not by how much they'd eaten but rather by how much food they'd seen in front of them—in other words, how much they remembered eating.
4·After four hot-cakes, eight strips of bacon, and all but two small glassfuls of the pitcher of milk, I complained of hunger, so she made me three eggs and a half loaf of toast from home-baked bread.
5·Mr. Dewey hungered after a cup of hot coffee and Mrs. Dewey had a hunger for a sunny day.
6·In the case of something like crop insurance, moreover, it could put money in the hands of farmers immediately after the rains fail - and before the hunger sets in.
7·After 20 seasons, I too perished from hunger and disease.
8·Solution: Stash single-serving packages of nuts and dried fruit in your desk and plan to munch a few hours after lunch — when you feel moderate hunger.
9·Entry after entry stirred a sentimental hunger in his heart like the longing a gardener feels in the winter for the fragrance of spring flowers.
10·Stef Dawson is another newcomer to the Hunger Games. She plays Annie, Finnick's long-time love, who has gone slightly crazy after winning her own Hunger Games.