1·Rainy slippery, Hold point open, pay attention to safety!
2·The string analysis model strings are grammars, enabling a very detailed understanding of the characters and sequences that a string might hold at any point in the execution flow.
3·Without a gate at (or near) an entry point, code would run with whichever keys the caller happened to hold.
4·These toy classes served their purpose at the time - simple placeholders to illustrate a point - but they don't hold up as a rigorous domain model.
5·Best of all, from the food companies' point of view, these "functional foods", which blur the line between foods and drugs, hold out the promise of higher margins and faster growth.
6·Therefore, it should also hold D However, at point D, there is something very important.
7·To copy the contents of a file system to a new location without creating a temporary mount point, you must first have the space to hold all of the files from your source directory.
8·Hirst sceptics point out that the only museum to hold a career survey of Mr Hirst's work was in Naples, Italy, in 2004.
9·If everything I've said up until this point fails, do this: hold on to your dream - even if it doesn't feel like much of a dream at the moment.
10·John Deere at one point said they were going to hold off on the sale because they weren't seeing the proper prices.